Bakit Pinapasok ng CIA Ang Elekson sa Pilpinas?
60% of Republicans are unvaccinated. They’re scoring an F during a pandemic? So, why are you connedservatives thinning yourselves out? And sir,I read your garbled message 3 times, then to my nuclear engineer hubby and his comment was not printable.
— Calinirgia Rangari (@Fabhcoir) December 30, 2021
Bah, ma cosa c'entra ora Di Maio, perchè Sibilia? O Spadafora che fanno? . A me i veri nemici sembrano altrove. Il punto è che ci converrebbe tenerlo a Chigi, così giusto per avere la speranza di cacciarlo a pedate fra un anno e mezzo.
— LadyV (@venis_77) December 30, 2021
Dang, I wish I had c/ashapp setup :/ I hope they manage to find a wonderful home ^.^ They're an awesome character
— Sour Gems (@Sour_Gems) December 30, 2021
I have made a preference known but c'mon, they basically stole the format of my favorite sports talk show! I haven't sworn off any prior allegiances.
— Sports TV Ratings (@SportsTVRatings) December 30, 2021
I'm actually more excited for Obi to finally get more than 20 mins, unless Thibs pulls something out of his hat like starting Taj b/c than I am about even RJ possibly going off b/c I think this opens it up for multiple guys too score a more consistently not just RJ.
— Ian Chisolm (@IanChisolm) December 30, 2021
18 perguntas, 18 iniciais
1. b, b
2. g, c
3. l
4. e, r
5. v, g, p
6. a, g, p
7. a
8. g
9. g, c, r, a, a, s, a, o, l, p
10. k
11. j
12. p, g, g
13. o
14. p
15. l
16. a, v, p, g, e, e, i, a, a
17. a
18. n tenhocomenta uma fancam ou emoji q te mando na dm
— mary jane (@hiddlestton) December 30, 2021
My plan A, B and C is not to work until Monday. This won’t change. I am not messing with my weekend. Whatever I wrote in my plan book for Monday will still be what I do.
— Gail Stevenson (@GailStevenson) December 30, 2021
Se ao menos tivesse alisado e cortado o cabelo, c-a-r-a-c-t-e-r-i-z-a-ç-ã-o.
Igual o leon tbm, mesma coisa, e rapado a barba, pintado o cabelo, cortado e alisado— Kynsaki (@KynUtsukyo) December 30, 2021
@AjRubi Sant Muç.C/Pons i Cirac n° 6 aprox bordillo de la "acera" roto,al lado de un embornal que puede acabar también "tocado"… obra posiblemente algún camión que se haya subido a la acera al cruzarse con otro vehículo circulando en sentido contrario.
— ARS (@ARS10262011) December 30, 2021
non c’entra molto ma ho visitato casa Batlló di Gaudì a Barcellona, merita tutti i soldi del biglietto, bellissima sia la casa in sé che la visita
— irene ☁️ (@ireneflamminio) December 30, 2021
La chiesa di San Gioacchino in corso Giulio Cesare a Torino, com'era quando, il 30 dicembre 1944, vi si sposarono i miei genitori. Bombardata nel luglio del '43, non c'era più il tetto.
Non ci sono foto del loro matrimonio, erano proibite.
Viaggio di nozze al capolinea del 2.— viaggioinincognito (@viaggioinincogn) December 30, 2021
prettiest baby i swear, have a good night i hope you get to dance with frank ocean to one of his songs tonight, a… — c’est le CuriousCat le plus gentil que j’ai reçue de ma vie juste
— silk (@silkleone) December 30, 2021
That's true. I just find fanart a bit iffy with the legal situation in the first place. I mean, I still do it, but I would never sell it or well, open up a C&D for it (esp as it is not being sold, as you mentioned, in which case you could probably just send mouse house their way)
— Kim Hu // available for freelance work 2022 (@elbowrocket) December 30, 2021