THE MICRO HEAD 4’NSのメンバーによる新プロジェクト、OFIAM(オブアイム)がニコ生FOOL’S MATE channelに初登場!Read more
OFIAM 2nd SINGLE「声/創」 NOW ON SALE 声MV→ □「声/創」type A CD(Single)+DVD …Read more
2021.08.21 Sat. YOKOHAMA BronthTHE MICRO HEAD 4N'S 10th Anniversary 「THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S vs OFIAM」告知
2021.08.21 Sat. YOKOHAMA Bronth THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S 10th Anniversary 「THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S vs OFIAMRead more
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Created by VideoShow: more
2021.08.21 Sat. YOKOHAMA BronthTHE MICRO HEAD 4N'S 10th Anniversary 「THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S vs OFIAM」告知
2021.08.21 Sat. YOKOHAMA Bronth THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S 10th Anniversary 「THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S vs OFIAMRead more
Este v�deo se ha subido desde un tel�fono con Android.Read more
THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S Official Web Site Twitter more
2021.07.30 高田馬場AREA THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S Still Night~ZERO BIRTHDAY EVENT~ 2021.08.21 横浜みなとみらい …Read more
Desde la oficina de apoyo mutuo de Manoteras hemos creado esta promo. El vídeo resume de manera sencilla nuestRead more